Source US International Trade Administration
Wed, May 26, 2021 page12 Taipei Times
- Suppliers of automobile and truck tires from Taiwan and three other countries are facing anti-dumping tariffs after US authorities upheld a preliminary ruling accusing them of selling products at unfairly low prices in the US.
- The decision by the US Department of Commerce released on Monday states that anti-dumping tariffs of 14.62 to 101.84 percent would be imposed on tire makers from Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam, with Taiwan facing the highest penaltie
- Another step is required before the anti-dumping tariffs can take effect. The US International Trade Commission (ITC) is scheduled to conclude their investigation on June 23 and vote on whether to uphold the case.
- 美國商務部對台灣及多國「乘用車和輕卡車輪胎」課徵的反傾銷税率出爐,台灣部分以正新(2105)的04%最低,南港(2101)的101.84%最高,其餘業者84.75%。至於泰國部分,LLIT.為21.09%、Sumitomo 14.62%,其他為17.08%。
- 在反傾銷稅的影響下,國內外銷美國的輪胎的競爭力大降,國內的業者在海外有設廠的業者營運面將受惠,目前建大(2106)越南廠稅率7%出口美國相當有競爭力、正新泰國廠稅率為16%。
- 其餘的業者自台灣出口美國的輪胎稅率高達75%,泰豐輪胎(2102)董事長馬述健指出,南港再反傾銷稅率這件事情態度跟提供給美國商務部的相關內容,成為拖累台灣其餘業者反傾銷稅率稅率拉高的主要原因。泰豐未來計畫在美國直接設廠,就地供應在地市場,也省去物流的時間與成本。
- 建大多年前布局越南廠,2017年著手擴建建第二工廠專門生產轎車胎,今年產能再增加,擴增產能將全部投產,新增四輪胎的產能在今年將會發揮效益,越南廠銷美的稅率約77%競爭力十足。