2021-06-04 02:03經濟日報 記者翁至威 新聞摘要 實價登錄0將於7月1日上路,內政部表...
Wirecard徹頭徹尾的詐騙醜聞(Wirecard: A Scandal)
By Mary K. Treanor on July 16, 2020 新聞摘要 Wirecard ...
工商書房編輯 2021.05.26 概要分析 「課稅的藝術,是盡力拔最多的鵝毛,但讓牠們發出最小的聲...
法國、西班牙與德國連袂宣言:企業所得稅的全球共識即將達陣A global agreement on corporate tax is in sight
2021/6/4 Guardian英國衛報 概要分析 過去四年多,法國、德國、義大利與西班牙共同協作...
(個人與企業之)無欠稅證明 網路可申辦
2021-06-07 00:18經濟日報 概要分析 疫情期間,若個人或企業急需申報國稅無違章欠稅證明...
International Taxation-Final Presentation 2021-A:Singapore as Tax Haven?
Topic: Singapore as a tax haven and harmful tax pr...
International Taxation-Final Presentation 2021-C:Switzerland and Zug preferential tax regime
Topic: Switzerland and Zug preferential tax regime...
International Taxation-Final Presentation 2021-B:Why Apple win the tax case in European Court?
Topic: Why Apple win the tax case in European Cou...
International Taxation-Final Presentation 2021-D:Why Amazon win the tax case in European Court?
Topic: Why Amazon win the tax case in European Cou...
2021/5/17 Lithuanian fintech under investigation f...