新聞內容 https://money.udn.com/money/story/6710/562092...
Taiwan is going to integrate Anti-Treaty Abuse Rules into Treaty Application Regulations
2021.7.25 by Stefan Huang(NTUB A. Professor) and L...
Taiwan’s Tax Measures in Response to Covid-19
2021.7.25 by Stefan Huang(NTUB A. Professor) and L...
Double Taxation Cases and Information Exchange-between Taiwan and Indonesia
Enclosed is my contribution to Morison Ksi Global ...
新聞內容 2021/6/24財政部新聞稿 https://www.mof.gov.tw/single...
台商間接處分陸資產 兩風險(所得認定與各省分獨立扣繳)
新聞內容 2021-07-27 經濟日報 https://money.udn.com/money/s...
Taiwan lowers down Covid-19 Alert Level, But Borders remain closed to Foreigners
Since 7 March 2022, the mandatory quarantine for f...
向境外電商採購 省稅有術(扣繳程序應有優化空間)
新聞內容 2021-07-29 經濟日報 記者程士華 https://money.udn.com/m...
日前整理舊資料,發現2005~06撰寫博士論文時,曾印製的德文參考資料。 Prof. Dr. Gün...
天使投資人(綜所稅)減稅優惠 2022年起納最低稅負制範圍
新聞內容 2021-08-02 中央社 https://money.udn.com/money/st...