- 營所稅法定稅率未逾14%的國家,新增阿拉伯聯合大公國,合計31國。
巴貝多 (Barbados BB)安道爾侯國 (Principality of Andorra AD )百慕達 (Bermuda BM) 列支敦斯登侯國 (Principality of Liechtenstein LI )荷蘭加勒比區(Bonaire, SintEustatius and
SabaBQ) 保加利亞共和國(Republic of Bulgaria BG) 波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納(Bosnia and Herzegovina BA) 賽普勒斯共和國 (Republic of Cyprus CY) 英屬維京群島(British Virgin Islands VG) 科索沃共和國(Republic of Kosovo XK) 開曼群島(CaymanIslands KY) 摩爾多瓦共和國(Republic of Moldova MD)巴哈馬(Commonwealth of The Bahamas BS) 北馬其頓共和國(Republic of North Macedonia MK) 東帝汶民主共和國 (Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste TL) 帛琉共和國 (Republic of Palau PW) 格恩西島 (Guernsey GG) 巴拉圭共和國(Republic of Paraguay PY)匈牙利(Hungary HU) 馬紹爾群島共和國(Republic of the Marshall Islands MH) 愛爾蘭 (Ireland IE) 萬那杜共和國(Republic of Vanuatu VU) 曼島 (Isle of Man IM) 卡達 (State of Qatar QA) 澤西 (Jersey JE) 土克凱可群島(Turks and Caicos Islands TC) 巴林王國 (Kingdom of Bahrain BH) 阿拉伯聯合大公國 (United ArabEmirates AE) 吉爾吉斯共 和國 (Kyrgyz Republic KG)
- 關係企業所在國家或地區僅就境內來源所得課稅,境外來源所得不課稅或於實際匯回始計入課稅,刪除查德共和國、尼日共和國及阿拉伯聯合大公國,合計仍有48國家。
- 各國家或地區是否屬CFC辦法第4條第2項規定,對特定區域或特定類型企業提供特定稅率或稅制者,依個案事實個別判斷之。
- 國內企業須於營所稅申報時,揭露揭露持股、結構圖與所得計算表。
- 國內個人須於辦理綜所稅結算申報時,在所得基本稅額申報時揭露持股、結構圖與所得計算表。
English Summary
In response to the implementation of the Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) regime starting from the 2023 fiscal year, domestic profit-seeking enterprises and individuals in Taiwan who directly or indirectly hold 50% or more of the shares or capital in affiliated enterprises located in low-tax jurisdictions outside the Taiwan or have significant influence must recognize investment income or calculate taxable profit in accordance with the regulations.
On 12/27/2024, Taiwan MOF renewed this CFC list. There is not much change to the list. Only adding UAE to low-tax countries, and deleting Chad and Niger Republic from countries only taxing domestic incomes.
If Taiwanese corporate group or individuals control direcly or indirectly over 50% stakes of CFCs in the listed countries, they are obliged to disclose the holding structures and income information of these CFCs.